Quintus Fabius Vibulanus (consul 423 BC)

Quintus Fabius Vibulanus was a consul of the Roman Republic in 423 BC and a consular tribune in 416 and 414 BC.[1]

Fabius belonged to the patrician Fabia gens and the branch known as the Fabii Vibulani, one of the republics oldest and most successful consular families. Fabius it seems was the son of Quintus Fabius Vibulanus, the consul of 467 BC, who had been forced into exile after the fall of the Decemvirate in 449 BC. If this is the case then filiations indicate that Marcus Fabius Vibulanus, consul in 442 BC and Numerius Fabius Vibulanus, consul in 421 BC were his brothers. Marcus Fabius Ambustus, the pontifex maximus mentioned in 390 BC, could possibly be a son of Fabius.[2]

  1. ^ Broughton, Magistrates of the Roman Republic, 1951, vol i, pp.68, 73–75
  2. ^ Broughton, vol i