Quintus Lucretius Afella

Quintus Lucretius Afella[1][2] was a Roman general who served under the command of Lucius Cornelius Sulla during Sulla's second march on Rome. A loyal legate who expected to be awarded a consulship for his part in Sulla's campaign, he was executed when he tried to defy his master's dictate.[3]

  1. ^ Oxford Classical Dictionary, "Lucretius Afella, Quintus"
  2. ^ "Horror vacui in Lucretian biography", Leeds International Classical Studies 1.1 (2002), p. 11 (and note 51)
  3. ^ "Appian, The Civil Wars, THE CIVIL WARS, CHAPTER XI, section 101". www.perseus.tufts.edu. Retrieved 2023-06-27.