Quod scripsi, scripsi

Christ on the Cross, by Francisco de Zurbarán, 1627. Pilate's superscription is nailed to the cross above Jesus.

Quod scripsi, scripsi (Latin for "What I have written, I have written") is a Latin phrase. It was most famously used by Pontius Pilate in the Bible in response to the Jewish priests who objected to his writing "King of the Jews" on the sign (titulus) that was hung above Jesus at his Crucifixion. It is mostly found in the Latin Vulgate Bible.[1]

The acronym INRI ("Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews") written in three languages (as in John 19:20) and affixed to the cross; Ellwangen Abbey, Germany
  1. ^ "The Cloisters Cross". Metropolitan Museum of ArtThe Cloisters. Retrieved 2014-03-18.