Radu I of Wallachia

Radu I
Voivode of Wallachia
Voivode of Wallachia
Reignc. 1377 – c. 1383
PredecessorVladislav I of Wallachia
SuccessorDan I of Wallachia
SpouseDoamna Ana
Doamna Calinichia
IssueDan I of Wallachia
Mircea I of Wallachia
Jupan Staico
FatherNicolae Alexandru of Wallachia
MotherDoamna Clara Dobokai?

Radu I (died 1383) was a Voivode of Wallachia (c. 1377 – c. 1383). His year of birth is unattested in primary sources. He was the son of Nicolae Alexandru and half-brother and successor to Vladislav I. He is identified by many historians as the legendary Radu Negru, a mythical voievode of the early medieval state Wallachia, founder of the state's institutions and ruler.