Ranging Rook

Fourth File Rook vs Static Rook
☖ pieces in hand:
☗ pieces in hand:
Black (sente) is using a classic Ranging Rook position (Fourth File Rook). The rook has moved from the 28 square to 68, the king has moved into a Mino castle, and the bishop's diagonal has been closed by advancing the sixth file pawn to the 66 square. White (gote) is playing a Counter-Ranging Rook Static Rook position. White's rook is on its starting square, the rook's pawn has been pushed forward two squares, and the king has been moved into a Boat castle.

Ranging Rook or Swinging Rook (振り飛車 furibisha) openings in shogi position the rook to the center or left of the player's board to support an attack there.

Ranging Rook strategies used in Ranging Rook vs Static Rook are among the oldest of shogi strategies attested in the historical documents that first describe the rules of shogi around 1600.