
RapidIO - the unified fabric for Performance Critical Computing
Year created2000; 24 years ago (2000)
Width in bitsPort widths of 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 lanes
No. of devicesSizes of 256, 65,536, and 4,294,967,296
SpeedPer lane (each direction):
  • 1.x: 1.25, 2.5, 3.125 Gigabaud
  • 2.x: added 5 and 6.25 Gigabaud
  • 3.x: added 10.3125 Gigabaud
  • 4.x: added 12.5 and 25.3125 Gigabaud
Hotplugging interfaceYes
External interfaceYes, Chip-Chip, Board-Board (Backplane), Chassis-Chassis

The RapidIO architecture is a high-performance packet-switched electrical connection technology. It supports messaging, read/write and cache coherency semantics. Based on industry-standard electrical specifications such as those for Ethernet, RapidIO can be used as a chip-to-chip, board-to-board, and chassis-to-chassis interconnect.