Raymond I, Count of Pallars and Ribagorza

Raymond I (Catalan: Ramon, Spanish: Raimundo) (fl. 884–920) was the first independent count of Pallars and Ribagorza from 872 until his death. Early speculation made him a scion of the counts of Toulouse,[1] but he is certainly the "Count Raymond, son of Count Lupus ... in the country of Pallars" (Regimundo comite, filio Luponi comiti ... in pago Paliarensi) of a 920 document.[2] His father may have been the Basque Count Lupus I of Bigorre.[3] During his lifetime Pallars represented the easternmost extent of the Basque language.[4]

  1. ^ Serrano y Sans, 127;del Arco y Garay, 359
  2. ^ d'Abadal y de Vinyals, I: 351
  3. ^ d'Abadal y de Vinyals, I: 121
  4. ^ Lewis, 112 n104.