
Read-through of sitcom pilot

The read-through, table-read, or table work is a stage of film, television, radio, and theatre production when an organized reading of the screenplay or script is conducted around a table by the actors with speaking parts.[1][2]

In addition to the cast members with speaking parts, the read-through is usually attended by the principal financiers or studio executives, producers, heads of department, writers, and directors. It is generally attended only by people involved in the production. It is usually the first time that everyone involved in the production gathers together, and it is traditional for all people to introduce themselves by both name and job.[citation needed] The director may then open proceedings by making a short speech outlining their aspirations for the project.

An additional professional actor not otherwise involved in the production may be hired to read the non-dialogue parts of the script such as scene headings and action. These parts of the script are usually edited down severely for the purposes of the read-through to maintain the pace of the reading.

  1. ^ Campbell, Drew (2004). Technical Theater for Nontechnical People (page 210-211) (2 ed.). Allworth Communications, Inc. p. 272. ISBN 1-58115-344-9.
  2. ^ Leach, Robert (2008). Theatre Studies: The Basics (pgs 135-137). Routledge. p. 194. ISBN 978-0-415-42639-8.