Regions of Chile

Regions of Chile
Regiones de Chile (Spanish)
CategoryRegional state
Location Chile
Populations103,158 (Aysén) – 7,112,808 (Metropolitan Santiago)
Areas13,178.5 km2 (5,088.2 sq mi) (Ñuble) – 132,291 km2 (51,077.9 sq mi) (Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica)
  • Limited autonomous government

Chile is divided into 16 regions (in Spanish, regiones; singular región), which are the country's first-level administrative division. Each region is headed by directly elected regional governor (gobernador regional) and a regional board (consejo regional).

The regions are divided into provinces (the second-level administrative division), each headed by a governor (gobernador) appointed by the President. There are 56 provinces in total. Provinces are divided into communes (the third and lowest level administrative division), which are governed by municipal councils.