Remote guidance

Remote guidance, in the medical context, refers to the supervision or guidance of a medical task, usually a procedure or test, from a remote location. This falls in the realm of real time telemedicine applications. By way of example, a radiologist may guide an ultrasound examination from a remote location. As such, the proximate requisite expertise to accomplish a medical task is significantly diminished. In the previous example, a diagnostic quality ultrasound can be accomplished by non-medically trained individuals manipulating an ultrasound device located with the patient under guidance from a remote location. This is an example of teleradiology If appropriately configured, the remote guidance can originate from another room or floor in the same building, too as far away as another continent or even planet. NASA researchers have successfully demonstrated remote guidance of diagnostic level cardiac ultrasonography using ultrasound on the space station, non-medical astronauts performing the exam as guided by a terrestrially located expert.