Repetition (music)

Repeat sign

Repetition is important in music, where sounds or sequences are often repeated. It may be called restatement, such as the restatement of a theme. While it plays a role in all music, with noise and musical tones lying along a spectrum from irregular to periodic sounds, it is especially prominent in specific styles.

#(set-global-staff-size 14)
\time 2/4
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff { \relative c' { \key f \major
\partial 8 <a
 c f a>8_!\p^\markup{ \bold "Allegro" } | <c f a c>4_! r8 \tuplet 3/2 8 { c'16( b d) }
c4-! r8 <c, f a>_! <c g' bes>4_! r8 \tuplet 3/2 { bes'16( a c) } bes4-! r8 bes \bar "||" } }
\new Staff { \relative c, { \key f \major \clef "bass"
\partial 8 <f c' f>8_! | <f c' f>4_! r r r8 <f c' f>8_! <e c' e>4_! r \compressEmptyMeasures R1*2/4 \bar "||" } } >>