
The repressilator is a genetic regulatory network consisting of at least one feedback loop with at least three genes, each expressing a protein that represses the next gene in the loop.[1] In biological research, repressilators have been used to build cellular models and understand cell function. There are both artificial and naturally-occurring repressilators. Recently, the naturally-occurring repressilator clock gene circuit in Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana) and mammalian systems have been studied.

  1. ^ Oliveira, Samuel M. D.; Chandraseelan, Jerome G.; Häkkinen, Antti; Goncalves, Nadia S. M.; Yli-Harja, Olli; Startceva, Sofia; Ribeiro, Andre S. (2015). "Single-cell kinetics of a repressilator when implemented in a single-copy plasmid". Mol. BioSyst. 11 (7): 1939–1945. doi:10.1039/c5mb00012b. PMID 25923804.