Revolt of Alaric I

Revolt of Alaric I
Part of the Fall of the Western Roman Empire

The Roman Empire in 395
Result Status quo ante
Alaric's rebels Western Roman Empire Eastern Roman Empire
Commanders and leaders
Alaric I
Stilicho Rufinus
± 20.000 ± 15,000 unknown

The revolt of Alaric I was a military conflict between the Roman Empire and a rebel army, probably composed mainly of Goths. This war consisted a number of armed conflicts in the period between 395 and 398, interspersed with periods of negotiations and sometimes even cooperation. During this war, the western and eastern parts of the Roman Empire did not always joint together because of conflicting interests. The protagonists in this conflict were the West-Roman commander-in-chief Stilicho, the Eastern-Roman prefect Rufinus, his successor Eutropius and Alaric I. The latter was an elected Gothic military leader and monarch, and later considered one of first Visigothic kings.