
In continuum mechanics, rheopecty or rheopexy is the rare property of some non-Newtonian fluids to show a time-dependent increase in viscosity (time-dependent viscosity); the longer the fluid undergoes shearing force, the higher its viscosity.[1] Rheopectic fluids, such as some lubricants, thicken or solidify when shaken. The opposite and much more common type of behaviour, in which fluids become less viscous the longer they undergo shear, is called thixotropy.

Examples of rheopectic fluids include gypsum pastes, printer inks, and synovial fluid.[2]

There is ongoing research into new ways to make and use rheopectic materials. There is great interest in possible military uses of this technology. Moreover, the high end of the sports market has also begun to respond to it. Body armor and combat vehicle armor are key areas where efforts are being made to use rheopectic materials. Work is also being done to use these materials in other kinds of protective equipment, which is seen as potentially useful to reduce apparent impact stress in athletics, motor sports, transportation accidents, and all forms of parachuting. In particular, footwear with rheopectic shock absorption is being pursued as a dual-use technology that can provide better support to those who must frequently run, leap, climb, or descend.[citation needed]

  1. ^ "BBC Science - How to: Make a liquid that's also a solid". Archived from the original on 2016-12-12. Retrieved 2013-10-01.
  2. ^ O'Neill, p.l (1996). "The Inverse Thixotropic Behaviour of Synovial Fluid". Journal of Orthopaedic Rheumatology. 9 (4): 222–228.