Rhombitrioctagonal tiling

Rhombitrioctagonal tiling
Rhombitrioctagonal tiling
Poincaré disk model of the hyperbolic plane
Type Hyperbolic uniform tiling
Vertex configuration
Schläfli symbol rr{8,3} or
Wythoff symbol 3 | 8 2
Coxeter diagram or
Symmetry group [8,3], (*832)
[8,3+], (3*4)
Dual Deltoidal trioctagonal tiling
Properties Vertex-transitive

In geometry, the rhombitrioctagonal tiling is a semiregular tiling of the hyperbolic plane. At each vertex of the tiling there is one triangle and one octagon, alternating between two squares. The tiling has Schläfli symbol rr{8,3}. It can be seen as constructed as a rectified trioctagonal tiling, r{8,3}, as well as an expanded octagonal tiling or expanded order-8 triangular tiling.