Riesz transform

In the mathematical theory of harmonic analysis, the Riesz transforms are a family of generalizations of the Hilbert transform to Euclidean spaces of dimension d > 1. They are a type of singular integral operator, meaning that they are given by a convolution of one function with another function having a singularity at the origin. Specifically, the Riesz transforms of a complex-valued function ƒ on Rd are defined by


for j = 1,2,...,d. The constant cd is a dimensional normalization given by

where ωd−1 is the volume of the unit (d − 1)-ball. The limit is written in various ways, often as a principal value, or as a convolution with the tempered distribution

The Riesz transforms arises in the study of differentiability properties of harmonic potentials in potential theory and harmonic analysis. In particular, they arise in the proof of the Calderón-Zygmund inequality (Gilbarg & Trudinger 1983, §9.4).