Rigel (rocket)

Rigel is an Argentinian sounding rocket.[1][2][3] The double stage Rigel (first stage Canopus 1, second stage Orion-2) was launched seven times between 1969 and 1973.[1][2][4] The Rigel rocket has a maximum altitude of 310 km, a launch mass of 300 kg, a diameter of 0.228 metres and a length of 6.30 metres.[2]

  1. ^ a b "Rigel". Gunter's Space Page. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  2. ^ a b c "Grupo Artax de Modelismo Espacial, Cohetes Argentinos". 2008-12-10. Archived from the original on 2008-12-10. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  3. ^ Parczewski, Juan (2008). "Historia de la cohetería en Argentina" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-01-19. Retrieved 2023-07-26.
  4. ^ "Rigel". 2016-12-28. Archived from the original on 2016-12-28. Retrieved 2023-10-09.