Right for Education

Right for Education
FounderDr Susann Dattenberg-Doyle, Queen of Gbi Kpoeta

The Right for Education Foundation is a not-for profit organization based in Ghana. The foundation is registered as a charitable organization in Ireland and Ghana with registration number 20204862 and CG126112014 respectively.[1] The foundation activities are non-partisan and non-religious. The foundation operates independently of governments. The main objective of the foundation is to provide educational materials to a greater audience to Africans through digital platforms.

Right for Education (R:Ed) meets those objectives by operating an online platform such as website, Facebook, and Instagram pages that distribute R:Ed's unique educational content. The contents are from the Oxford University Society and R:Ed chapters. R:Ed is organized from a community, national and international level providing a platform for Africans. R:Ed has a presence in over 45 countries in Africa.[2] Over 95% of the followers are from Africa[3]. R:Ed followers are aged 18 – 35 of which  33% are female, 67% are males. The followers consist of 30% Francophone and 70% Anglophone of which 70% claim of having higher education [3]. The website of Right for Education has an average of 33,681 user per month [4]. R:Ed presence is also felt in its sister television and radio stations based in Africa.

R:Ed has versatile chapters including Oxford University Society, Ghana, Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya, Soroti University ,Cameroon ,Togo ,Senegal ,Burkina Faso and growing.

Right for Education Africa claims to have been ranked the number one largest Facebook page in Africa, in 2022 [3]. R:Ed content are 100% original and covers a range of subjects. The R:Ed relies on contributions form organizations and private donors for funding.

REdy was established in 2008. REdy-Africa is the commercial partner of R:Ed.