Rio Convention

Rio Convention relates to the following three conventions, which were agreed at the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992.

At the Earth Summit, the decision-making process was tailored to promote a sustainable planet for future generations. The key message entailed the idea that changes in behaviour could be the foundation needed for progress toward the desired transformation for the environment. The resulting documentation from the two-week deliberations and meetings included the following: Agenda 21 (a non-binding action plan of the United Nations promoting sustainable development), the Statement of Forest Principles, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the following Conventions were formed:[1]

  1. UNFCCC, the abbreviation of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
  2. CBD, the abbreviation of Convention on Biological Diversity
  3. UNCCD, the abbreviation of United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
  1. ^ "Earth_Summit". Retrieved 2019-04-12.