Road network in Tamil Nadu

Map indicating highway network of Tamil Nadu

In Tamil Nadu, the Highways & Minor Ports Department (HMPD) is primarily responsible for construction and maintenance of roads including national highways, state highways and major district roads. HMPD was established as Highways Department (HD) in April 1946 and subsequently renamed on 30 October 2008.[1] It operates through seven wings namely National Highways Wing, Construction & Maintenance Wing, NABARD and Rural Roads Wing, Projects Wing, Metro Wing, Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project Wing, Investigation and Designs Wing geographically spread across the state in 38 districts with about 120 divisions and 450 subdivisions.[2]

  1. ^ "Highways Department renamed as Highways and Minor Ports Department" (PDF). Government of Tamil Nadu. Retrieved 15 July 2010.
  2. ^ "Wings of Highways Department". Highways Department, Government of Tamil Nadu. Retrieved 15 July 2010.