Public roads in Hungary are ranked according to importance and traffic as follows:
controlled-access highway (gyorsforgalmi út – pl. gyorsforgalmi utak) – colour: blue; designation: M followed by one or two digits. It has two categories: motorways and expressways.
motorways (autópálya – pl. autópályák): 2+2 travel lanes and emergency lane, central reservation, no at-grade intersections
expressway (autóút – pl. autóutak): mostly 2+2 travel lanes without emergency line, central reservation, some at-grade intersections
main roads (főút – pl. főutak) – colour: green; designation: one, two or three digits
primary main roads (elsődrendű főút – pl. elsőrendű főutak): national importance roads
secondary main roads (másodrendű főút – pl. másodrendű főutak): regional importance roads
side roads (mellékút - pl. mellékutak) – colour: green; designation: with four or five digits
municipal roads (önkormányzati út- pl. önkormányzati utak)