Robert, Count of Mortain

Robert (Rotbert), Count of Mortain (right) sits at the left hand of his half-brother William, Duke of Normandy. Robert's full brother Odo (Odo Ep[iscopu]s, "Bishop Odo") sits to William's right, implying his seniority. This scene in the Bayeux Tapestry occurs near Hastings, immediately before William ordered the building of a castle there, shortly before the Battle of Hastings.

Robert, Count of Mortain, first Earl of Cornwall of 2nd creation (c. 1031c. 1095) was a Norman nobleman and the half-brother (on their mother's side) of King William the Conqueror. He was one of the very few proven companions of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings and as recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 was one of the greatest landholders in his half-brother's new Kingdom of England.