Roman civil war of 427-429

Roman Civil War of 427-429
Part of Fall of the Western Roman Empire

Diocese of Africa around 425
Result Victory for Felix
Commanders and leaders
Bonifatius Felix
Mavortius, Gallio and Sanoeces
5,000 - 9,000[1] 10,000 - 15,000

The Roman civil war of 427-429 was a civil war during the reign of the West Roman emperor Valentinian III. In that period there was a power struggle going on between the generals Felix and Bonifatius that degenerated into an armed conflict. When the central government tried to deput Bonifatius as governor of North-Africa, he separated his territory from the empire without proclaiming himself emperor. He carried the personal loyalty of the African troops and lead them at his discretion during this war. Bonifatius was able to successfully defy and resist state authority. The civil war ended with a truce after which peace was made.

  1. ^ based on the troops assignment in the Notitia dignitatum