Royal Italian Army during World War II

Royal Italian Army
Regio Esercito
The War and Army Flag of the Kingdom of Italy, bearing the emblem of House of Savoy.
Country Fascist Italy
AllegianceKing of Italy
Size2,560,000 (1940–1943)[2]
AnniversariesNovember 4
EngagementsWorld War II
King of ItalyVictor Emmanuel III
Prime Minister of ItalyBenito Mussolini
Chief of Staff

The Royal Italian Army (Regio Esercito), participated in World War II on the side of the Axis Powers on 1940. The Royal Italian Army notably fought at the Balkans, Western Alps, North and East Africa and Russia until its defeat on 1943 by the Allies. The Royal Italian Army was then turned into the Italian Co-Belligerent Army fighting alongside the Allies while some Italian forces joined the Germans as the National Republican Army on the Italian Social Republic in Northern Italy.

  1. ^ The Royal Italian Army becomes the Italian Co Belligerent Army fighting for the Allies after the armistice signed in September 1943, while the National Republican Army was established for the Italian Social Republic to continue the fight alongside the Germans.
  2. ^ Regio Esercito: The Italian Royal Army in Mussolini's Wars, 1935–1943, Patrick Cloutier, p. 211