Rubik's Revenge

A solved Rubik's Revenge cube

The Rubik's Revenge (also known as the 4×4×4 Rubik's Cube) is a 4×4×4 version of the Rubik's Cube. It was released in 1981. Invented by Péter Sebestény, the cube was nearly called the Sebestény Cube until a somewhat last-minute decision changed the puzzle's name to attract fans of the original Rubik's Cube.[1] Unlike the original puzzle (and other puzzles with an odd number of layers like the 5×5×5 cube), it has no fixed faces: the center faces (four per face) are free to move to different positions.

Methods for solving the 3×3×3 cube work for the edges and corners of the 4×4×4 cube, as long as one has correctly identified the relative positions of the colours—since the center faces can no longer be used for identification.

  1. ^ "Rubik's Cube How to Play". DMFB&C. Retrieved 3 March 2016.