Rudolf Wissell

Rudolf Wissell, 1930 (left)
Commemorative plaque at Wiesenerstraße 22, in Berlin-Tempelhof
First cabinet meeting of the Scheidemann cabinet on 13 February 1919 in Weimar. Left to right: Ulrich Rauscher [de], government chief press officer, Robert Schmidt, Food, Eugen Schiffer, Finance, Philipp Scheidemann, Ministerpräsident, Otto Landsberg, Justice, Rudolf Wissell, Economic Affairs, Gustav Bauer, Labour, Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau, Foreign, Eduard David without Portfolio, Hugo Preuß, Interior, Johannes Giesberts [de], Post, Johannes Bell, Colonies, Georg Gothein, Treasury, Gustav Noske, Reichswehr

Rudolf Wissell (8 March 1869 – 13 December 1962) was a German politician in the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD). During the Weimar Republic, he held office as the Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister for Labour.