Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation

Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2020/2092
European Union regulation
TitleRegulation on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget
Made byEuropean Parliament and Council of the European Union
Made underArt. 106 Euratom Treaty (TEAEC) and art. 322 TFEU
Journal referenceOJ L 433I, 22.12.2020, p. 1–10
Date made16 December 2020
Entry into force11 January 2021
Preparative texts
Commission proposalCOM/2018/324
Current legislation

The Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation is a regulation of the European Union and Euratom, which allows the European Commission to adopt measures, including the suspension of payment of funds from the EU budget, to member states which violate the principles of rule of law enshrined in article 2 of the Treaty on European Union.[1]