
The russ of 2005 at 17 May parade in Oslo, Norway

The russefeiring (English: 'russ celebration') is a traditional celebration for Norwegian high school students in their final spring semester. Students that take part in the celebrations are known as russ. Students in high school normally prepare for this celebration from the start of the year. Russ celebrations normally happen before the final term exam for the high school students before they are off to university or college. Russ have different ways of celebrating; some purchase large buses and drive around partying all night, while others may simply buy a van or a car. The russefeiring traditionally starts around 20 April (with some starting earlier or later depending on the county) and ends on 17 May, the Norwegian Constitution day. Participants wear coloured overalls (usually red, blue, green, white, or black). Some form groups that name a bus, car or van (often making a name or logo). Some celebrate almost continually during this period. Drunkenness and public disturbances are regularly linked to the celebration.[1][2][3][4][5][6]

Media are saying (as of 2024) that girls who want to ride on [some or many] of these buses, are asked to send nude pictures or perform oral sex; a local politician who is scheduled to graduate that year, said that prostitution is being normalised by russ in regard to those buses that can be viewed as brothels on wheels; furthermore, parents of students are paying tens of thousands of Norwegian kroner for individual students so that the student can participate as russ on a bus; Furthermore, in some cases the parents have therefore become involved in brothel financing.[7]

Etymology of the word russ: It comes from a Latin word, depositúrus ['which shall lay off'] ('som skal legge av').[8]

  1. ^ Lars Antonsen 99 22 65 [email protected] (18 May 2013). "Avisa Nordland - Fauske-russ herjet museumsområde". Retrieved 28 August 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ Ola Mjaaland (17 May 2013). "Russ raserte rekkehusområde - mistenker promillekjøring". VG. Retrieved 28 August 2015.
  3. ^ Per Erik Hagen og Jørgen Dahl Kristensen (11 May 2013). "Budstikka - Russ kobles til smuglerøl". Retrieved 28 August 2015.
  4. ^ Jørgen Dahl Kristensen (26 April 2013). "Budstikka - Russ bæsjet i Meny-butikk". Retrieved 28 August 2015.
  5. ^ Kjetil Olsen Vethe (23 April 2013). "Budstikka - Politiet: – Det er bare tragisk. Det blir ikke russ på Tobonn neste år". Retrieved 28 August 2015.
  6. ^ Kjetil Olsen Vethe (27 April 2013). "Budstikka - Russ sendt tilbake for å rydde opp eget søppel". Retrieved 28 August 2015.
  7. ^ Sivert Refsdal. "Bordeller på hjul". Klassekampen (2024-05-16) P. 27. Retrieved 2024-05-16
  8. ^ Vibeke Roggen. "Ordenes veier". 2024-09-04. Klassekampen. P. 9