Russia leather

Russia leather (Russian: юфть or yuft) is a particular form of bark-tanned cow leather. It is distinguished from other types of leather by a processing step that takes place after tanning, where birch oil is worked into the rear face of the leather. This produces a leather that is hard-wearing, flexible and resistant to water.[1] The oil impregnation also deters insect damage. This leather was a major export good from Russia in the 17th and 18th centuries because of its high quality, its usefulness for a range of purposes, and the difficulty of replicating its manufacture elsewhere. It was an important item of trade for the Muscovy Company.[2] In German-speaking countries, this leather was also known by the name Juchten or Juften.

  1. ^ "Production of Russia Leather" (PDF). The Honourable Cordwainers' Company. 1807.
  2. ^ Cite error: The named reference Chinnery, Russia leather was invoked but never defined (see the help page).