Russian Tank Troops

Collar insignia of the Russian Tank Troops (depicting the IS-3 tank)

The Russian Tank Troops (Russian: Танковые войска Вооружённых сил Российской Федерации, romanizedTankovyye voyska Vooruzhonnykh sil Rossiyskoy Federatsii) is the armored warfare branch of the Russian Ground Forces. They are mainly used in conjunction with the motorized rifle troops in the main areas and perform the following tasks:

  • in defence – on direct support of the motorized rifle troops in repelling the enemy's offensive and application of counter-attacks and counter-strikes;
  • in offence – on delivering powerful cleave strikes deeply, developing success, defeating the enemy in meeting engagements and battles.

The Tank Troops are made up of tank divisions, tank brigades, tank regiments and tank battalions of motorized rifle and tank brigades which are highly resistant to the damaging effects of nuclear weapons, have high firepower, high mobility and manoeuvrability. They are able to make full use of the results of nuclear fires - nuclear destruction of the enemy - and, ideally, can quickly achieve the ultimate military goals of any combat or operation.

The combat capabilities of tank formations and subunits enable them to lead active combat operations, day and night, in significant isolation from other troops, to smash the enemy in meeting engagements and battles, on the move to overcome the extensive areas of contamination, to force water barriers, as well as to quickly build a solid defence and successfully resist the attack of superior forces of the enemy.

Further development and increase of the combat capabilities of the Tank Troops are carried out mainly at the expense of its framing with more advanced types of tanks, in which there is the optimal combination of such vital military properties as high firepower, manoeuvrability and reliable protection. In improving the organizational forms the main efforts are focused on giving them the combined-arms nature, what to the utmost suits the content of modern operations (combat actions).[1]

Their service anniversary, Day of Tankmen, is marked annually every second Sunday of September. The official motto of the Russian tank troops is "The Armor is Hard and Our Tanks Are Fast!" («Броня крепка и танки наши быстры») by the first stanza of the March of the Soviet Tankmen from the 1939 Soviet film Tractor Drivers.

  1. ^ "Tank Troops". Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. Retrieved 15 December 2017.