Ryukyuan tea ceremony

Ryukyuan tea ceremony is a tea ceremony popular in the Ryukyu Islands (the Amami Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture and the Okinawa Prefecture, Japan). Ryukyuan tea ceremony is influenced by both Chinese tea ceremony and Japanese tea ceremony. Based on the unique taste of tea drinking, the unique tea culture of the Ryukyu Islands has been formed. Although there are imports from Japan and China, Ryukyu also produces tea and tea sets locally, providing conditions for the consumption of tea by the Ryukyu people. This tea-drinking preference of drinking both Japanese and Chinese teas is believed to be the foundation of Ryukyu's unique tea culture.[1]

  1. ^ 岡本弘道 (2011-03-31). "東アジアの茶飲文化 と茶業". 周縁の文化交渉学シリーズ1. hdl:10112/4396. Archived from the original on 2022-03-04. Retrieved 2022-03-04.