Tertiary structure of the SNX9 which gives an idea of the tertiary structure of the SNX8, since primary structure shares 20% sequence identity and 0.3 sequence similarity with SNX8 primary structure.[1]

The SNX8 is a sorting nexin protein involved in intracellular molecular traffic from the early endosomes to the trans-golgi network. It is suggested that it acts as an adaptor protein in events related to immune response and cholesterol regulation, for example. As a protein of the SNXs family, the SNX8 is formed of 465 aminoacids and presents a BAR domain and a PX domain which are very relevant in relation to its functions. Furthermore, SNX8 study is motivated by its medical significance in relation to diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease, cancer, neurodevelopmental malformations and to its role in fighting against viral infections.

  1. ^ "Q9Y5X2". SWISS-MODEL Repository.