Samuel Point

Location of Rozhen Peninsula on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands
Samuel Point (on the right) and Brunow Bay from Catalunyan Saddle in Tangra Mountains, with Bransfield Strait and Antarctic Peninsula in the background
Topographic map of Livingston Island, Greenwich, Robert, Snow and Smith Islands

Samuel Point (Nos Samuil \'nos sa-mu-'il\) is on the coast of Bransfield Strait forming the southwest side of the entrance to Brunow Bay on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. The point is situated on the east side of Rozhen Peninsula, surmounted by Needle Peak (370 m), a conspicuous offshoot of Friesland Ridge. Opitsvet Lake lies at the point's base.

The feature is named after Czar Samuil of Bulgaria, 980-1014 AD.