
The Sons of God Saw the Daughters of Men That They Were Fair, sculpture by Daniel Chester French, c. 1923

Samyaza (Hebrew: שַׁמְּחֲזַי Šamməḥăzay; Imperial Aramaic: שְׁמִיעָזָא Šəmīʿāzāʾ; Greek: Σεμιαζά; Arabic: ساميارس, Samyarus[1][2]), also Shamhazai, Aza or Ouza, is a fallen angel of apocryphal Abrahamic traditions and Manichaeism as the leader of the Watchers.

  1. ^ "(طبقات ناصري (تاريخ ايران و اسلام".
  2. ^ "Al-Juzjani, Tabaqat-i-Nasiri 1 (c. 1259-1260 CE))".