Sanctuary of the Three Gauls

The altar of the Sanctuary of the Three Gauls, on a dupondius issued under Augustus (Musée d'archéologie nationale de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, inv. 2396 N)

The Sanctuary of the Three Gauls (Tres Galliae) (French: Sanctuaire fédéral des Trois Gaules) was the focal structure within an administrative and religious complex established by Rome in the very late 1st century BC at Lugdunum (the site of modern Lyon in France). Its institution served to federalise and develop Gallia Comata as an Imperial province under Augustus, following the Gallic Wars of his predecessor Julius Caesar. The distinctively Gallo-Roman development of the Imperial sanctuary and its surrounding complex are well attested by literary, epigraphic, numismatic and archaeological evidence.[1]

  1. ^ Duncan Fishwick, "The Imperial Cult in the Latin West: Studies in the Ruler Cult of the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire", vol 3, (2002), 1, 4-41.