Sandinista Popular Army

Sandinista Popular Army
Ejército Popular Sandinista (Spanish)
Flag of the FSLN
Country Nicaragua
Size13,500 (1993)
EngagementsNicaraguan Revolution

The Sandinista Popular Army (SPA) (or People's Army; Ejército Popular Sandinista, EPS) was the military forces established in 1979 by the new Sandinista government of Nicaragua to replace the Nicaraguan National Guard, following the overthrow of Anastasio Somoza Debayle.

In post-Sandinista Nicaragua, the SPA was reformed into the National Army of Nicaragua. Joaquín Cuadra was named chief of staff, serving Defense Minister Humberto Ortega. A draft, called the Patriotic Military Service (Servicio Militar Patriótico), (SMP) was instituted in 1983. It later became Obligatory Military Service (Servicio Militar Obligatorio) (SMO). The special forces Tropas Pablo Ubeda initially came under the Ministry of Interior and then the BLI'S were Created.

The SPA's ground forces formed the basis of what is now today the Nicaraguan Army Ground Forces (Fuerzas Terrestres del Ejército de Nicaragua), formed in 1995. They report directly to the Commanding General of the Army.