
Distribution of Berber-speaking groups today. The pink areas depict Western Berber languages: Zenaga to the West, Mauritania and Senegal; Tetserret to the East, Niger.

The Sanhaja (Arabic: صنهاجة, Ṣanhaja or زناگة Znaga; Berber languages: Aẓnag, pl. Iẓnagen, and also Aẓnaj, pl. Iẓnajen) were once one of the largest Berber tribal confederations, along with the Zanata and Masmuda confederations.[1] Many tribes in Algeria, Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia[citation needed] and Western Sahara bore and still carry this ethnonym, especially in its Berber form. Other names for the population include Zenaga, Znaga, Sanhája, Sanhâdja and Senhaja.

  1. ^ Nelson, Harold D. (1985). Morocco, a country study. Area handbook series. Washington, D.C.: The American University. p. 14.