
Regions with significant populations
Northeastern Black Sea coast

The Sanigs (Greek: Σάνιγκι) were a tribe inhabiting historical Heniochia, northwest shore of Kingdom of Colchis(modern day northwestern Georgia). Their ethnic identity is obscure and is the subject of a controversy.[1] They are first attested in the works of Pliny, Arrian[2] and Memnon of Heraclea.

  1. ^ Smith, Graham (1998). Nation-building in the post-Soviet borderlands: the politics of national identities. Cambridge University Press. pp. 55. ISBN 978-0-521-59968-9.
  2. ^ Pauly, August Friedrich von; Christian Walz (1852). Real-encyclopädie der classischen alterthumswissenschaft. p. 2866. Seeräubern treibendes Bolk deö affaiischen Sarmatien an der Küste dt« 5',' zwischen den SanigS und AchSi (Arrian. II)