Sarah Franklin

Sarah Franklin
Born (1960-11-09) November 9, 1960 (age 63)
Alma mater
Scientific career

Sarah Franklin (born 1960) is an American anthropologist who has substantially contributed to the fields of feminism, gender studies, cultural studies and the social study of reproductive and genetic technology. She has conducted fieldwork on IVF, cloning, embryology and stem cell research. Her work combines both ethnographic methods and kinship theory, with more recent approaches from science studies, gender studies and cultural studies. In 2001 she was appointed to a Personal Chair in the Anthropology of Science, the first of its kind in the UK, and a field she has helped to create. She became Professor of Social Studies of Biomedicine in the Department of Sociology at the London School of Economics in 2004. In 2011 she was elected to the Professorship of Sociology at the University of Cambridge.[1][2]

  1. ^ Franklin, S.; Johnson, M. H. (2013). "Are assisted reproduction health professionals still letting down their patients?". Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 27 (5): 451–2. doi:10.1016/j.rbmo.2013.09.001. PMID 24055397.
  2. ^ Johnson, M. H.; Franklin, S. B.; Cottingham, M.; Hopwood, N. (2010). "Why the Medical Research Council refused Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe support for research on human conception in 1971". Human Reproduction. 25 (9): 2157–74. doi:10.1093/humrep/deq155. PMC 2922998. PMID 20657027.