Schauder fixed-point theorem

The Schauder fixed-point theorem is an extension of the Brouwer fixed-point theorem to topological vector spaces, which may be of infinite dimension. It asserts that if is a nonempty convex closed subset of a Hausdorff topological vector space and is a continuous mapping of into itself such that is contained in a compact subset of , then has a fixed point.

A consequence, called Schaefer's fixed-point theorem, is particularly useful for proving existence of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations. Schaefer's theorem is in fact a special case of the far reaching Leray–Schauder theorem which was proved earlier by Juliusz Schauder and Jean Leray. The statement is as follows:

Let be a continuous and compact mapping of a Banach space into itself, such that the set

is bounded. Then has a fixed point. (A compact mapping in this context is one for which the image of every bounded set is relatively compact.)