
Austria's national card game
Accessories for keeping score in Schnapsen
DeckFrench or William Tell
Rank (high→low)A 10 K Q J
Playing time1 min/hand,
5-10 min/round
Related games
Mariage, Sechsundsechzig

Schnapsen, Schnapser or Schnapsa is a trick-taking card game of the bézique (ace–ten) family that is very popular in Bavaria and in the territories of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire and has become the national card game of Austria and Hungary.[1] Schnapsen is both of the point-trick (individual cards in each trick are used to determine points as in Pinochle) and trick-and-draw (a new card is drawn after each trick is won) subtypes.

The game is similar to sixty-six (Sechsundsechzig). Many rule variations exist, and both Schnapsen and sixty-six involve challenging strategy.[2] Schnapsen has been described as "an inherently intense game that requires a lot of concentration and so isn't good for socializing, but it's a challenging game whose interest never wavers."[3]

  1. ^ Tompa, Martin. Schnapsen: The Classic Two-Player Trick-Taking Game, The New Abstract Games. Retrieved 13 October 2021.
  2. ^ Tompa, Martin. Winning Schnapsen: From Card Play Basics to Expert Strategy, 2015. ISBN 978-1515377368
  3. ^ Schnapsen at Retrieved 10 Jun 2018.