Schoolkids Records

Schoolkids Records is a retail indie record store based in the "Triangle" region of Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Founded in 1974, Schoolkids is an American-based music retail store that has up to seven stores throughout the eastern North Carolina region (Raleigh (2), Durham, Chapel Hill, Cary, and Greenville).

The store has often been located close to college and university campuses and focuses mostly on independent and college music, selling both vinyl and CDs, with the trend largely going back to more vinyl by 2012. Schoolkids has been known as the main record store for almost 40 years (until the other locations closed) around schools such as North Carolina State University, The University of North Carolina, Duke University, East Carolina University, The University of Georgia, University of Tennessee, Indiana University, Ohio State University, Miami University, Virginia Tech, University of Michigan, and Michigan State University.

Artists who got their start selling records at Schoolkids include: Ryan Adams and Whiskeytown, Superchunk, Archers of Loaf, Ben Folds, The Connells, Polvo, Athenaeum and Squirrel Nut Zippers. The store was also one of the first retail outlets to sell No Depression magazine and to work with labels such as Merge Records, Mammoth Records and Yep Roc Records.

Schoolkids has often been confused with some of the other stores in the country with the same name, including "Schoolkids Records" and "Schoolkids in Exile" in Ann Arbor, Michigan, as well as other cities like Gainesville, Florida, but the stores were not connected.