Science fiction video game

A science fiction video game is a video game that falls under the science fiction genre. The genre has existed since the dawn of video games, with their evolution being shaped heavily by it.[1] Spacewar! (1962), one of the first video games ever made, was science fiction-themed. While most video games blend together fantasy and sci-fi in a way that makes it difficult to strictly divide the two, also known as science fantasy or space opera,[1] a much smaller subgroup of games feature a hard sci-fi setting with more emphasis on scientific accuracy.

Sci-fi games have historically drawn upon literary influences in their early days, such as Robert A. Heinlein, Larry Niven and E. E. Smith, due to a lack of other types of sci-fi media, such as movies, comics, and other games. However, modern games of the genre more often tend to be influenced by other contemporary media.[1]

  1. ^ a b c Perry, Douglass C. (2006-05-18). "The Influence of Literature and Myth in Videogames". IGN. Retrieved 2023-04-15.