Se Wsi Testamenti

Sille Nein on Jumala Mailma racastanut/ ette he' andoi hene' ainoan Poicans/ Sempälle/ ette Jocaine' quin wsko hene' päle's ei pide huckuma'/ mutta ijancaikise' Eleme' szama'.[1]

Se Wsi Testamenti (transl.The New Testament; modern Finnish: Uusi testamentti) is the first translation of the New Testament in Finnish; it was published in 1548. It was translated by Mikael Agricola, then rector of the Turku Cathedral School and later Bishop of Turku.

Generally regarded as Agricola's most prominent work, the manuscript was completed in 1543, but it underwent correction for five more years. The whole work took eleven years. The New Testament, printed in Stockholm in 1548, was still based mainly on the dialect of Turku.

  1. ^ "John 3:16". Se Wsi Testamenti (in Finnish). Finnbible. July 2015. Retrieved 2016-10-11.