
Selexol is the trade name for an acid gas removal solvent that can separate acid gases such as hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide from feed gas streams such as synthesis gas produced by gasification of coal, coke, or heavy hydrocarbon oils.[1] By doing so, the feed gas is made more suitable for combustion and/or further processing. It is made up of dimethyl ethers of polyethylene glycol.[2]

  1. ^ Kohl, A & Nielsen, R. (1997). Gas Purification (Fifth ed.). Gulf Publishing Company.
  2. ^ M. Ajhar; M. Travesset; S. Yüce; T. Melin (2010). "Siloxane removal from landfill and digester gas – A technology overview". Bioresource Technology. 101 (9): 2913–2923. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2009.12.018. PMID 20061140.