Seriation (archaeology)

In archaeology, seriation is a relative dating method in which assemblages or artifacts from numerous sites in the same culture are placed in chronological order. Where absolute dating methods, such as radio carbon, cannot be applied, archaeologists have to use relative dating methods to date archaeological finds and features. Seriation is a standard method of dating in archaeology. It can be used to date stone tools, pottery fragments, and other artifacts. In Europe, it has been used frequently to reconstruct the chronological sequence of graves in a cemetery (e.g. Jørgensen 1992;[1] Müssemeier, Nieveler et al. 2003).[2]

  1. ^ Jørgensen, L. (ed.) (1992). Chronological Studies of Anglo-Saxon England, Lombard Italy and Vendel Period Sweden. Arkæologiske Skrifter 5. Copenhagen: Institute of Prehistoric and Classical Archaeology, University of Copenhagen. ISSN 0901-6732.
  2. ^ Müssemeier, U., Nieveler, E., Plum, R., Pöppelmann, H. (2003). Chronologie der merowingerzeitlichen Grabfunde vom linken Niederrhein bis zur nördlichen Eifel. Materialien zur Bodendenkmalpflege im Rheinland, Heft 15. Köln: Rheinland-Verlag GmbH. ISBN 3-7927-1894-4.