Service bureau

A service bureau is a company that provides business services for a fee. The term has been extensively used to describe technology-based services to financial services companies, particularly banks.[1] Service bureaus are a significant sector within the growing 3D printing industry[2] that allow customers to make a decision whether to buy their own equipment or outsource production. Customers of service bureaus typically do not have the scale or expertise to incorporate these services into their internal operations and prefer to outsource them to a service bureau. Outsourced payroll services constitute a commonly provisioned service from a service bureau.

  1. ^ " to the financial service companies (particularly banks)." "Solved: Chapter 15 Problem 1P Solution".
  2. ^ Halterman, TE (26 June 2015). "Buy a 3D Printer or Use a Service Bureau? - Sculpteo Runs the Numbers". Retrieved 26 February 2018.