Severe thunderstorm watch

Map of average annual severe thunderstorm watches in the United States between 1999 and 2008.

A severe thunderstorm watch (SAME code: SVA) is a statement issued by weather forecasting agencies to advise the public that atmospheric conditions in a given region may lead to the development of severe thunderstorms within (or near) the region over a period of several hours. The criteria for issuing a watch varies by country, and may also include torrential rainfall and tornadoes. A watch may also be issued several hours ahead of the arrival of a mature and organized complex of storms (such as a mesoscale convective system), or more clustered or discrete storm activity (of the single-cell, multicell and/or supercell varieties).

A severe thunderstorm watch, like a tornado watch, is not to be confused with a warning. A watch encourages the public to remain vigilant—to be on the watch, so to speak—for the later onset of severe weather. An area under a watch may even experience deceptively fair weather with few clouds before thunderstorms develop.