Sewage sludge

Desiccation cracks in dried sludge, the hard final remains from a sewage plant

Sewage sludge is the residual, semi-solid material that is produced as a by-product during sewage treatment of industrial or municipal wastewater. The term "septage" also refers to sludge from simple wastewater treatment but is connected to simple on-site sanitation systems, such as septic tanks.

The term "Biosolids" is often used as an alternative to the term sewage sludge, particularly in conjunction with reuse of sewage sludge after sewage sludge treatment. Biosolids can be defined as organic wastewater solids that can be reused after stabilization processes such as anaerobic digestion and composting.[1] Opponents of sewage sludge reuse reject this term as a public relations term.[2][3]

  1. ^ Tchobanoglous, George; Burton, Franklin L.; Stensel, H. David (2003). Wastewater engineering: treatment and reuse (4 ed.). Metcalf & Eddy. p. 1449. ISBN 978-0071122504.
  2. ^ "The Sludge Hits the Fan". Retrieved 2019-11-12.
  3. ^ Stauber, John; Rampton, Sheldon (1995). Toxic Sludge Is Good for You: Lies, Damn Lies, and the Public Relations Industry. Common Courage Press. ISBN 1567510604.