Sex trafficking in Cambodia is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and slavery that occurs in the Kingdom of Cambodia. Cambodia is a country of origin, destination and transit for sex trafficked persons.[2]
Sex trafficking victims in the country are from all ethnic groups in Cambodia and foreigners. Cambodian citizens, primarily women and girls, have been sex trafficked within the country and throughout the world.[3][4] They are threatened and forced into prostitution, marriages, and or pregnancies. Sex trafficked victims experience physically and psychologically trauma. Some are tortured[5] and murdered.
Sex trafficking and exploitation occur at all levels of Cambodian society. Male and female perpetrators in Cambodia come from many backgrounds. A number of traffickers are members of or facilitated by gangs. Pedophiles travel to Cambodia for sex tourism.[6][7] The extent of sex trafficking in Cambodia is not known because of the lack data, the underground nature of sex trafficking crimes,[8][9] and other factors. Anti-sex trafficking initiatives have been impeded by corruption, apathy, border management problems, fractured social institutions, weak law enforcement, and more.[10][11] UNICEF states that some 37 % of the victims trafficked for sexual exploitation in Cambodia are children.